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Oh My Word!
Words Matter
Think before you speak
What's IN our words
Truth? Lies? Deceit? Encouragement? Criticism? Praise? Humiliation? Belittlement? Admiration? Thankfulness? Entitlement? Hatefulness? Rumors? Gossip? Incitement? Disruptive? Bitterness? Hate?
Do we THINK about the words we use It seems that today, more & more individuals just spew words of hate & discord, without any thought of the impact upon others.
Do we KEEP our word When we speak words of promise, do we make an effort to keep our word? Do we think about the impact it may make on the person, or persons with whom we made the promise? Has a broken promise made to you ever had an adverse effect?
Do you THINK for yourself Are you on a personal journey to acquire truth & knowledge, or do you choose to believe whatever words are spoken or written ? Do you know what you believe, or why you believe it? Do you repeat everything you hear or read, even if you have no idea of it's truth?
And The Word Is....
The Bible
Proverbs 27-28
27: The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, & whoever has understanding is even tempered.
28: Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, & discerning if they hold their tongues.
What matters to you
I am a new site, & I am interested in the subjects, whether it be family, beauty, politics, etc., that you would like to have on this site. Just contact me!
What's Your Word ?
Products, Procedures, & Diet
Tell me about the beauty products, or procedures that you've used or had done that are successful, or NOT. Let me know the diets that work for you. Also, Let me know if you've been scammed by a beauty product.
Products, other than beauty
Tell me about helpful products, such as medical creams, pillows, gadgets, anything hats been very useful to you. Also let tell me about the stuff that doesn't work!
ATTENTION: If you have tried to email me, my email account was incorrect on the receiving end!! Please.... re-email me!!
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